How can we help?

For more than five years we have helped countless expat clients and their families deal with many types of challenges. But with our relationship based, results-driven approach we have also built up a name for ourselves in the local communities through word-of-mouth.


Expat life

Living as an expat can be quite paradoxical. There is the excitement of living in another country, traveling, experiencing new cultures and on the other hand there are feelings of loss and adjustment. You are challenged to figure out a new set of rules and adjust to it. The excitement is often interwoven  with frustration, anger and even depression. The exciting part takes care of itself. It is the difficulties that need attention. The isolation that often accompanies expat life can make it difficult to successfully work through the difficulties and adjust. The listening ear and expertise of a therapist who also has personally experienced expat life can help you to recalibrate in your new environment and live a fulfilling life.

Third Culture Kids

Third culture kids are children who grow up abroad in a culture different from that of their parents.  It is a very unique and often difficult experience for the child. They often have a sense of alienation and feel that none of their peers fully understand them.  Everywhere, they feel like the outsider often finding it difficult to to fit in. These kids normally also have a broader frame of reference than their peers which can make successful integration a challenge at an age where friendships mean everything.  I can help parents to understand what their children are going through and guide them on how to guide their children through this difficult process.  If needed, I can also work with the child him/herself.

Trailing Spouse

As a trailing spouse you have made the (often very difficult) choice to leave your career behind to support your partner in pursuing theirs. What initially looks like an ideal opportunity to take a break (a gap year or two) or the ideal opportunity to be a full time mom/dad for your little ones often ends up in intense frustration and disillusionment. The trailing spouse is often challenged with reinventing themselves in order to have a feeling of self-actualisation. This process can be so difficult in a foreign country - especially if you also live in a country where you are either not allowed to work or where your qualifications are not recognised. Before you know it you are overcome with resentment, which can also quickly turn into feelings of depression or anxiety.  A therapist can help you through the period of adjustment, working through the deep emotions which accompany what is often experienced as an identity crisis and reaching a place where you can think creatively and reinvent yourself.